Ifyou are a developerwondering wheretrendsare headingora
customerwaiting toupgradeyourSmartphoneto
see whatis the latest design, it pays to know thetrends formobilethis year. Thisis
whatexperts predictthat by the
year2013 withthe motive. More and More Apps Do not expect thetrendtostopapplicationsin the short term. According to researchconducted byexperts, trendsare moving away fromthePCfor more than oneimplementation
approach. Companiescontinue to
followthis trend andapplication
designfor customersand
developerstodesign new
applicationsfor funandsupport for usersof focus. More Connection with Other Devices Usersexpect thetransition frommobilephone
to PCto be perfect, just like
whatthe KindleWhispersyncoffers. Readers canreadon one deviceand
pick upat the same placeon
another device. Battles Between the Brands Reputable
companiescontinueto countereach
new versionwithsomething biggerand better thanits previous. At present, the main competitorsofAppleandSamsung. This means that evenmore deviceswith more features, to motivate him tochange.
More Flexibility You may have seenthe demonstrationsbut thought that it will never become real,but you canbetthatthe flexibleSmartphoneontheway to the
consumer. It will be lighter and more durable. This technology is mastered by Samsung, nowadays
Nokia also catches up. As morecompaniesenterthe contest, probably the firstanywhere in the marketin 2013. Better Cameras Not onlyin the moremegapixels, alreadyseeingimprovements, butin advancedtechnology. So you seesomething incamera phonesyou have inthe revolutionaryLytrocamera. Along with that, you can get moreoptionsfor3D photosand video.
Onething is certain, asthe technologyadvances
toother teams, butalso affectswhat you getwith a Smartphone. 2013an exciting year forthenext purchase.
"Friends let friends use
Internet Explorer" is a popular expression in the world meme, but that may
change when Microsoft finally released Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7. Although
the beta version (Internet Explorer 10 Preview Windows 7) was introduced in
November last year, the latest version has not yet seen the light of day. However,
Microsoft has recently sent private emails to select testers, Microsoft asking
them to notify in case of problems with the previous version.
The message also says that you cannot
announce the date for the launch of the latest generation, but the testers
selected to hurry in case you have something to report. This
means that the product is in the final stage and will be released soon.
In a highly competitive and
saturated market a bit, where the likes of Chrome, Firefox and Safari are
always competing for a larger market share, Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
provides a much-needed edge.
The IE10 is already included with
Windows 8 and Windows RT, but not join to Windows 7. Initially
a test generation is introduced to users in 2011, and then constructs a proof
of the improvement was introduced in 2012. Judging
by the email, the final build here any time during the coming months. However, these are speculations.
Because Internet Explorer is
already fully operational in Windows 8, the delay in the launch of Windows 7
due to the difference between the technologies used both in Windows. Windows
7 require some updated API to transfer from Windows 8 before it can support
Internet Explorer 10. Two
of these APIs (Direct2D API accelerated graphics and text DirectWrite APIs) are
still in beta and should be available in the latest versions of IE10 is
We will keep you posted as more news to come, for now
the final version is expected within a few months.
Security Essentialshas failedto obtain certificationfrom AV-Test -theindependent Germaninstitutebest known forevaluating theeffectivenessofantivirus
In Novemberand December 2012,
a teamof AV-Test
continually evaluated25security productsfor homeusers who have theirdefaultvalues. Theevaluation focuses onthe three mainareasofusability, protection and repair.
Theevaluationof AV-Test, which aimsto directlydetectthe latest malwareto analyze andinform clients of theobtainedresultsshowed thatthe
free offerfrom Microsoftdoes
notadequatelyprotectagainst malwareattacks'0days'. In this
category, Microsoft Security Essentialsscoredan averageof 71% in November, compared to industry average of92%.
The AV-Testreport said: "We always have the mostrecent versionavailable to the publicof allproductsused in
the testshouldgetwhenever youin-the-cloud
services We focuson ..Realistic testscenarios andtheproductschallengedagainstreal-worldthreats. "
Security Essentialsprovides real-time protection foryourhome PCor smallbusinesses, helping to protectagainst viruses, spyware andothermalicious
Below Industry Average
The new researchhadthe potentialuseof all components andprotectionlayersto show. Although
Microsoftbeats theindustryaverage of12 percentfor "malicious
removal ofother componentsand restorecriticalsystem changes", the popularantivirus softwarefoundin othercategories. From215,999samples for the"detection of
a representative
setof malwarediscovered inthelast twoor three monthscategory, the industrystandardwas 97percent. Microsoftdeclinedto lessthanthe90percentin Decemberand 92percent in November.
Microsoft HitsBack
JoeBlackbird , Microsoft MalwareProtection CenterProgram Manager, said the companyconducted a"thorough investigation" of the results, if theresultswarrant. He also emphasizedhow difficult it isforindependenttesting organizationsto designanti-malwaretests thatare "consistentwith real-worldconditions thatcustomers livein '.
After the resultsof AV-Test Microsoftuseda retrospectiveanalysis tosee if one ofyour customersin findingone ofthemissing fileswere found inthe test.
Blackbirdsaid "The results
show that0.0033percent ofour MicrosoftSecurity
Essentialsand MicrosoftForefrontEndpoint
Protectionclientswere affected byundetectedmalware
samplesduring testing. Addition, 94 percentof the malwaresamplesnotduring
testingdid not affectourcustomers".