The vine has burned through
speculation about the PlayStation 4, which more than one player has been
waiting for. With
the PlayStation 3 is nothing less than breathtaking, we can only hope that the
next generation PlayStation console even more. And
with all the rumors around like there's no tomorrow, what we really know about
the PlayStation 4?
At least in terms of concrete and
official statements, and verified. I
wish there was more to say, but the only "official" explanation we
Sony's Kaz Hirai, CEO Global, and has nothing to do with what you can expect on
the design and specifications of the new console.
CVG reports that the Executive is
this statement to the model again: "Why go first to your competitors their
specifications and come up with something better?"
I do not know about you, but that
seems to be the confirmation that we have the PlayStation 4, after seeing the
next generation of Xbox. And, Hirai's
right! While
Sony usually makes it a point to be the first, seems to change tactics on this
occasion. Is it good for them? Time will tell. Technical specifications
Regarding the technical
specifications of the PlayStation 4, there is no official data are released,
but there is no shortage of speculation. One thing we all
agree: only better.
Eurogamer has an article about
what we can expect from the PlayStation 4. The
important thing now is the processor, which is believed to eight cores and
clock to 1.6GHz. Jaguar AMD
architecture is the underlying technology. AMD
also handles graphics with the AMD Radeon HD graphics core clocked at 800 MHz
with 18 points after the calculation.
In terms of memory, the
PlayStation 4 should 4GB GDDR5, plus 512 MB for the operating system. That should
satisfy players with a need for speed. (What player do not, right?)
In any case, speculation or not, it is not likely that
the PlayStation 4 see anytime soon on the shelves, but a few weeks wait for the
official release. Birds
are whispering about this non-stop, so it must be true.
That'saccording tothe news siteSnowmobileSamsungphone launchon
April 15pins.
TheGalaxySfranchisehas becomea truecompetitor to theiPhone, and hypebarns
andstoreas much anticipationasAppleSmartphone.
While earlieriterations of theGalaxySphonefaced aslow start, theGalaxyS3catapulted
outofthe dooras a success, andhas
performed very well, even ifother
phonesof competitionhave faded.
TheSamsungphonehas helpedinthe
top ofthe handset manufacturers.
ultimatelycouldbe brandedGalaxySIV-will featurewireless
chargingandwill be key. But unlikeotherSmartphones
like theNokiaLumia920 orDNADroid,
theservice will not bebuilt. Users needa kitwith awireless chargingand buyingreplacementupholstery,
the report said.
ThenextGalaxy Sphonealso
reportedly features a large2600 mAhbattery, compared to theGalaxyS32100 mAhbattery.
Witha release datein April, SamMobilesaidSamsungwas able to holdhisown eventin March,
or perhapsreveal theSmartphoneat the MobileWorld Congress,will begin in lateFebruary.TheGalaxyS3was unveiledat
an event forSamsung inMay last
Evenifthe start dateisApril
15thatdoes not necessarily meanthat theS4Galaxywill make its wayto the UnitedStates at that time. As withtheGalaxySIII, the phonecan
throw atdifferent timesdepending
on whenU.S. companies, such as
the telephone, which can varyfrom
days twoweeks ofitsrelease. Samsungdeclined to commenton the report, saying he did not wantto comment on rumors.
With the highly anticipated
iPhone 5 launch and worn, it is natural for Smartphone addicts already on his
next hit of the technology and the most wanted features for the iPhone 6.
The new 7.6mm thin coated
aluminum iPhone 5, complete with a larger screen and a faster chip, a nano-SIM,
again with several smaller camera functions and integrated touch technology,
has a lot to offer - but what most consumers are waiting for ?
Looking at the next episode of
the Apple iPhone, some users talk about the desire for a wider color gamut and
hope that Apple will have a selection of up to eight shades allow.
Aesthetics aside, users demand
for more and more memory. Although
most people think 64GB is enough, enough would find the need for the 128GB
version to justify - or even an expandable memory option would suffice. Even
if the result is a hefty price tag, there is no doubt that many would pay.
It goes without saying that the
best 3D graphics and a faster processor will be high on the list of results,
and although many people are after a wider screen and higher, some still want a
smaller and more compact.
While Siri, the voice feature
integrated controls, has come a long way since the users of the iPhone 4S, many
are looking for a full-on "digital assistant" who never says no or
asks to be repeated.
Biometric security on mobile idea
seems to have been forgotten. This
is a James Bond-style blow your fingerprint to unlock the phone, giving access
to air travel or make bank transactions. Of course it
is not necessary, but would be nice.
A common nightmare among phone
users, the service life of the battery. Yes,
it has improved over time and there are inductive wireless options, but only
once you have purchased a separate container and a charger for the device. Undoubtedly
the iPhone 6 provides a longer battery life, or even with a built-in chip
inductive load on the phone? Whether houses, cars, tablets and phones, people are
fans of customization. There
are plenty of these options are available on the Android, but some say that
Apple needs to work on this aspect to iPhone users with better access to your
most used applications and other useful information. According
to Jefferies & Company analyst Peter Misek, the iPhone 6 (if the iPhone 5S
pip not to post), can be a super HD camera / monitor, a capacity of 128 GB of
internal memory and bar code technology doubled (Near Field Communication Technology),
which allows the iPhone to act as a payment device to get more primer.