Facebookis still thelargestsocial networkswitha wide margin.AccordingGlobalWebIndexcountofFacebookhasalmost700-1000000active
users.The researchdefinesactive usersasthose
usedor contributedto a sitein the past month.
top threeglobal social networks, Facebook, GoogleandTwitterare growing by leapsand bounds. "The data collected inGWI.8(Q4 2012)shows thecontinuous changein the use ofsocial platformslocatedbeingsworldwidewith strong growthof Twitter,GoogleandFacebook.'s
Fastest growingnetworkin 2013to" Modeactiveemployment"was Twitterthatgrew 40%
to 288minour31 markets(about 90% of theglobal Internet population.) 21%of theglobal
Internet populationnowactively
useTwittermonthly.Thiscomparedwith 21%active useofYouTube,
25% active useGoogle+and a whopping51%ofFacebookon a monthly basis. "
your site on the first page of Google search success, this means that this is
the best indication in the online network marketing. Online marketing is one of
the best goals of each network.
I'll tell you how the first place on the first page of Google for directions,
this is really valuable technique, but first we must indicate the high Google
ranking is needed for each network.
The many websites of different companies with their own content. The right
content is very important for successful websites. Because if each site has a
good content on your own product or whatever, then the client can easily
understand its importance and clicking.
After the proper content of the website is very important for the best jobs,
and that almost 100% of people clicking on the link fist they see, or at least
a link on the first page of engines search. Everyone knows that Google is not.
An Internet search engine.
Now, let's start with step by step with our lesson today:
1. Keyword research:
First, it depends on what subject you want to write, do you have a good keyword
required for good keyword is considered highly your website in search volume,
but without much competition. Using Google Keyword Tool AdWords to find the
perfect word and after application of this technique can get your website on
the first page of Google search.
Now, how big is the competition in a 'heavy' keywords to avoid it?
The answer lies in the long tail keywords. Example: If you want to write about
MLM, competition in that word is very large, so only MLM only in the mail
header. Write the word in the keyword tool of MLM and get ideas for your
keyword, using data from Google Adwords is.
There are over 150 keywords containing the word MLM, so it is best for people
with competitive high jump (usually ordered from highest to lowest) and scroll
down to keywords with some space to leave in the competition box. But with the
global monthly search volume for 1200 (average of 1200 people look for that
specific keyword in the search engines monthly = 40 per day)
2. Implement appropriate keywords on sites:
After finding a good keyword, implement in your head, such find to build your
MLM holder keyword could be "How to Build MLM Online - Explore your
Once the head is important that you use the same keyword in the first sentences
of the text to repeat, but be careful to write with a real sense, no repeat no
connection to the rest of the text, for example, you can write: " It is
crucial to learn how to build online MLM.
This is important because the categories of search engines recognize and
contemplate not only the head but also an overview of the text, in most cases,
is the beginning of the text.
After completing all the text, you must link to edit your post. Your writing
platform automatically creates a link to your post, but usually contains all
the headers that you may not need to edit and leave only keywords (if desired,
you can also write a date or 1 or 2 words Keywords are closely related to the
If you do this step, the key posted 3 basic places: the title, summary and
link. Search engines recognize keywords in all 3 places, so if you implement
the 3 steps, then, is your chance to hit the first page are far superior.
3. Tags:
After completion of writing your content, you will need to add tags, labels are
closely related keywords, so depending on what words you want your content to
be connected and asylum drive back to his place, which their labels to write.
In our example "How to Build MLM Online explode your business" labels
are: MLM, MLM Online, MLM build, business and more to be found in the rest of
the text.
4. Quality of product:
This is the priority range and after the latest update of Google, if you do not
have the extensive quality SEO article can help not only your email to get
ranked on the first page. Writing a quality post with a minimum of 500 words
and add relevant images, screenshots and video if you have.
5. Exposure:
You must submit your text in the right place. Many people think that distribute
content to as many sites as possible, she receives a high position in Google.
Well, that's not true. If you take your time and effort, you must ensure that
the content posted in important places, but the easiest way to share with
single cable marker and Share button. This will expose your content to 39
different locations, including the main.
Personally, I have nothing. After finding keywords, type I (I'm usually more
words and type) in the Google search and see the first 5 cups. The sites where
the heads came maybe good places to send its contents as Entrepreneur.com from
That MLMBeat.com or BetterNetworker.com. These are sites where you can register
and place your profile to create blogs, participate in forums, meet other
networks. So you not only get higher
Google Ranking of placing on these sites, "you will get more opportunities
to generate leads, develop business relationships and the brand itself. PS Some
of these sites require an update so you can post blogs, so if you want
everything with zero cost, stick to the fire.
As promised, all these steps are completely free, no need to spend a single
currency for the first to reach the first page of Google!
LG has recently unveiled LG Optimus Pro G. The powerful Smartphone is set to
be released in Japan in April. There is speculation that the world will soon be
released, but there is nothing published in this area. The LG Optimus S has
been well received by consumers of Smartphones last summer, and the G Optimus
Pro is a huge improvement. Let's take a quick look at the possibilities:
5 inch touchscreen with 1920×1080 resolution
Full HD support (up to 1080p)
440 pixels per inch display
A 13 mega pixel camera
1.7 GHz quad-core Snapdragon processor
3000 mAh battery
32GB built-in memory with micro SDXC (that can be
expanded up to 2TB)
Android Jelly Bean
Support for 4G LTE
TheSmartphone industryhasseen theintroductionof avery powerfulphoneafter another, but
this is oneof the mostpolishedto classifyphonesout there.Ifyou look
atthe processing power, RAM anddisplay only, theLGOptimusProGseemsa very
powerful device.
It is arguedby somecritics thatthe market forhigh power deviceshas reacheda saturation point. However, ifyou look at thesalesofSamsung, LG, Sony,
Smartphones and manyotherproviders, it seems there is a market demandto be met.Meanwhile,Appleis facingincreasing
competitionandstock pricesremain volatile.
Appleinitiallythe right toall similar devicesandlawsuit afterlawsuitfiledagainstwhat they consideredimitators. This strategydoes not seem todiscourage anyone fromcreating theirownSmartphoneproducts. TheLGOptimusProGcanmostApple productsa run for theirmoney, andis attached to arespectablemarket shareworldwidesecure.It seemsthat Apple willpull a rabbit outof his hatas soon as possible,
otherwise the
marketis floodedwith competitors. Withsuch
greatfeatures, theLGOptimusPropowerfulGisexpectedin Western markets,
but no final
datehasbeenannounced to bemade publicthe
West. The
revelationis perfectly located inthe
market,many potential buyersare
eager toget their hands onthe
new Smartphone. We doanother storyabout
thisproduct as soonas it
is published.
Sony has a new flagship water
resistant "super phone" with five-inch and 13-megapixel camera
captures fast.
The Japanese conglomerate marked
new Android Smartphone at the Consumer Electronics Show 2013 in Las Vegas, and
explained how the capital stock of Sony digital cameras.
Sony also announced the Xperia
ZL, sporting a smaller form factor, but provide the same immersive
entertainment experience as the Xperia Z. This is only
available in selected markets. The
flagship Xperia S phone is dust-proof, has a 7.9 mm thin body and is water
resistant to a depth of one meter - for up to 30 minutes.
The model has a total of
five-inch 1080p HD display powered by Sony Mobile reality BRAVIA Engine 2, to
see 'sharp', a Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core to multi-tasking, 13-megapixel
camera captures fast 4G LTE entertainment
super fast.
Available in purple, white or
black, the phone has anti-shatter film and tempered glass, which is stronger
than regular glass.
A Sony spokesman said the Xperia
S combines premium specification with the best of Sony to a single super-phone
to deliver the experience.
"The actions of the Xperia S
flagship model features Sony digital cameras and features Exmor Mobile RS, the
image sensor in the world for the first time with high dynamic range video for Smartphones,
so consumers can take great videos
and photos, even when backlit "a Sony spokesman.
Other features include the new
Sony battery "endurance mode", the Walkman, the album and film
applications that help users find, share and play content with intuitive
controls, common, and an interface that can be shared with your PC , tablet and Smartphone.
Through the Sony Entertainment
Network, the model Xperia S, and other compatible devices, offer consumers
access to more than 18 million songs and over 100,000 movies and TV shows.
New products such as the Sony Xperia S and Xperia
Smartphones ZL also offer the benefits of a future based on Near Field
Communication, a quick and easy one-touch function that allows users to connect
wirelessly and music, photos and videos to enjoy a Smartphone.